Airport transfer to Playa Palma (Bandera Beach)
On the official map this beach, a long one, is called “Playa Palma” but the only nearby pueblo is Bandera, so that the beach, or part of it, has come to be called “Playa Bandera.” The waves are ho-hum average for the central coast, which means pretty good.
San Jose Airport to Playa Palma
Liberia Airport to Playa Palma
Tropical beach-front vacation rentals near surf at BanderaThere are two ways to arrive at this beach. Both of these routes end up at the same place. First: Going toward Jacó from Parrita, there is a sign pointing to Bandera; this road takes you soon to a right turn, after which you run parallel to the Costanera until you join the other route. It is a little harder to get lost in the palm plantation on this first route than on the second. A little farther along the Costanera toward Jacó there is another sign, pointing to Playa Palma: To use this route you need to follow the signs to Alex´s Cabinas, through the maze of dirt roads in the oil-palm plantations, and eventually, you arrive at the beach and Pulperia.
From the Pulperia corner, there are two beach roads.
Playa Palma for Palo Seco beach-front rental visits To the right, the road runs in front of the houses, although the county plans to move the road behind them. This side of the beach is fairly short, and the development is mostly one of the weekend cabins of Tico families.
Vacation rental homes near Playa Bandera
To the left, the road has already been moved behind the beach-front lots. This side of the beach is fairly long, and the development is mixed, with some Tico cabinas and quite a few substantial homes of foreigners.
As far as we have ever seen on several visits, there are no guest facilities at this beach other than Alex’s Cabinas, which are cheap but pretty run-down.